I'm rather new to the Sentinel licensing idea, but I have read a lot of documentation and also made some experiments.
I couldn't find an answer to a very basic question about version managing:
What's the usual or best way to specify for a license, which software version is allowed to run with it.
I mean at some point, when the licensed software of a certain version starts, it has to decide if the license is matching or not.
I understand that this can be done by defining a new feature for every version.
Let's say v1.0 starts with login to feature id 1001.
Then v2.0 starts with login to feature id 1002.
Then v3.0 starts with login to feature id 1003.
That is feasible, but is it a good solution?
Let's say, a user may have a license for v1.0, then later updates the software to v2.0 (--> no license), then waits a year and buys an update and receives a license for the current version v3.0 but still has v2.0 installed. Thus, the software v2.0 asks for feature 1002, but only 1003 is existing in the license (v3.0).
In this situation, either the user is forced to update the software to v3.0 (which they may want to avoid ;-)) or the licensor has to add feature 1002 (so all features of lower versions have to be included in every license).
Both solutions could be unfavorable.
Is there a better way around this?