Hi. I have been running PosterJet 7.5 software that requires the
use of a dongle - HASP HL 2.16 (Aladdin Knowledge Systems).
I have been running this on a mac via Parallels Desktop and Windows
XP for many years.
This morning I updated the mac to the latest version (OS X 10.11.2)
and the light isn't coming on the Dongle.
I have another startup disk with OS X 10.9 and the light comes on
the dongle.
Can anyone confirm if they are having the same problem with OS X 10.11.2?
If 10.11.2 is the problem (could Apple have removed a generic
driver???), would installing the "Sentinel HASP/LDK Mac OS X
Run-time GUI Installation 7.40" driver solve the problem?
I have been trying to download it from the Downloads page but the
FTP links don't want to work for some reason.
Thanks for any help.