I use an Apps in 32 bits with Hasp 4 API (no Envelope)
The same Apps in 64 bits use SLDK API with Envelope
It work with 2 Hasp SRM Network key (Hasp mode with Hasp4 part) on 2 servers (lmsetup Hasp 4 licenses server + NetHasp.ini on computers to disable broadcast et change reponse time)
The 32 and 64 bits Apps use the same acces to the Network Key
If I launch 32 bits Apps on ~100 computers : it works well
If I launch 64 bits Apps on same ~100 computers : all apps crash after few seconds : the 2 Hasp LM can't negociate all the query off ~100 apps
I think the 64 bits Hasp 4 emulation generate more traffic with LM Setup than the 32 bits Hasp 4 API.
Anyone can confirm this ?
Is there any solution ?
I have already change the nethasp.ini to :
- disable broadcast
- change the responds timeout to :
I have also reduce the number off call off Hasp API but It doesn't work
Gemalto support can't help me because lmsetup is not supported anymore.
Please Help