Platform - Embarcadero C++ Builder XE7 and Sentinal LDK Ver 7.1
We are migration from Sentinel Hasp 4.something.
I have run the \Sentinel
LDK\Samples\Runtime\cpp\bc\mk.cmd file to generate the required obj files - the hasplock.obj file is created and in the same folder as all the other obj files. The folder is listed in the include folder list.
The libhasp_cpp_windows_bcc.lib file is created and included in the project.
This is the only function that is giving a problem. Below the linker errors.
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'ChaspLock::~ChaspLock()' referenced from C:\EMBRADSDEV\SOFTWARE\INCLUDE\HASP\CPP\BC\LIBHASP_CPP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB|haspmap
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'ChaspLock::ChaspLock()' referenced from C:\EMBRADSDEV\SOFTWARE\INCLUDE\HASP\CPP\BC\LIBHASP_CPP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB|haspmap
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'ChaspLock::unlock()' referenced from C:\EMBRADSDEV\SOFTWARE\INCLUDE\HASP\CPP\BC\LIBHASP_CPP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB|haspmap
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unresolved external 'ChaspLock::lock()' referenced from C:\EMBRADSDEV\SOFTWARE\INCLUDE\HASP\CPP\BC\LIBHASP_CPP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB|haspmap
I then ran the C:\Src\HaspCompile\Sentinel
Firstly, I'm new to this, so bear with me. I don't know what the output from this last mk.bat file is supposed to be?
What I have noticed is that the file LIBHASP_CPP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB has the current date as the creation date.
LIBHASP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB has the origional date (as created in the samples folder).
So, I need to know what I have missed in the process?
Is there a specific order in which the process should happen?
It is quite possible that the LIBHASP_WINDOWS_BCC.LIB file needs to be recreated. It seems to be missing a link to the above. If this is the case, how do I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance for your assistance.