I'm trying to migrate from BSS 5.11 to EMS 7.8, but the Migration tools fails.
I'm getting the following output:
- Preparing source database for migration.
Calculating migration data...
Migrating Vendors...
Migrating Users...
Info: An email address did not exist for user HASP, the email address has been defined as HASP@needs.email.com.
Info: An email address did not exist for user Johan, the email address has been defined as Johan@needs.email.com.
Info: An email address did not exist for user Pascal, the email address has been defined as Pascal@needs.email.com.
Info: An email address did not exist for user Klaas, the email address has been defined as Klaas@needs.email.com.
Migrating Features...
Migrating Products...
Migrating Customers...
Info: Customer Name Jordan Ellis (416) contained the symbols '-' or '&' or contained consecutive spaces. Each of these have been replaced by '_'.
Migrating Keys...
Migrating Orders...
A fatal error has occurred. Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UK_T_ENT_FTR_LM_ATTR_EntFtrLMId_LMAttrId'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.T_ENT_FTR_LM_ATTR'. The duplicate key value is (24546, 29).
Migration ended with 1 errors and 0 warnings
Total migration time 54 minutes 24 seconds
It occurs 60% into the migration process, during the 'Migration orders' step.
Any suggestions how to fix this error?