Channel: Gemalto Sentinel Customer Discussions
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Re : Sentinel LDK Runtime release history archive

Hi Parth,

In ideal world we all want our customers to run the latest versions since there are always some bug fixes and improvements. In reality however we all know that it is impractical. Various factors such as lack of time, permissions issues, or simply following the old tried and true approach of "if it's not broken, don't fix it" play role here. The last one is especially true for companies with managed servers. The IT departments are notoriously reluctant to change anything unless absolutely critical. They don't want responsibility of license downtime affecting big $$$$ projects.

So having said that, the diagnostics parsing utility we wrote is only meant to solve a problem at hand. We do generally recommend users to install latest, but the intention here is to make a strong recommendation if there are known issues with present runtime and OS version.

At very least can you make readme files available from past few runtimes?


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