Yes, your understanding is correct. An update V2C needs to be generated for extending the time period in the license
Please use the below steps for updating the license period:-
• Open the Sentinel EMS from Vendor Suite.
• Go to "Catalog Tab" and create a “Modification product” of the “Base Product”.
• Go to the “Product Features” tab and select the “Overwrite” option of the feature you wish to extend.
• Choose the “License Type” in “License terms” as per the requirement and save the modification product.
• Go to the “Entitlements tab” and select the "Protection Key Update".
• Locate the key using the Check-in Key or Check-in C2V option.
• If you had chosen the License Term as “Specify at entitlements time” then select the option to “Configure” at entitlement time.
• Proceed to “Produce” the license update.
Associate Engineer, Client services
Gemalto Inc