I am creating Sentinel HK with own application. It works wery well on .NET 4, however I need to upgrade it to higher version of .NET but I realized, that those libraries doesn't work on newer .NET than 4.
I am using:
SentinelSetupW.dll version
SentinelKeyW.DLL version
my analizing:
SFNTGetLicense - works, it return 0
SFNTEncrypt - return 203
SFNTProgramKeys returns 203
in shklog.txt I have nothing:
Log created ..... : 2020/04/23 08:33:37
(EU) Key status.......: 203
Log Finalized ..... : 2020/04/23 08:33:37
also when I downgrade .NET back to version 4.0 it works again.
where is the problem?
thank you