We have trouble running the Linux Envelope in an automated build environment. We used to run this with LDK 7.40 and 7.60 but with 7.100 the Envelope complains as follows:
Linux/VendorTools/Envelope$ ./linuxenv -c:/tmp/wrap/envconfig.cfgx -d --memdump --fid:22 /tmp/wrap/PROG /tmp/wrap/PROG_env
LINUXENV, Sentinel LDK Envelope for Linux (ELF x86, x86_64, ARM 32-bit and AArch64) applications, Version 1.1.91376
(c) 2019 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Protecting '/tmp/wrap/PROG' to '/tmp/wrap/PROG_env'...
[*-----------------------------------------------] 0.0% failed!
linuxenv: error E4003: Sentinel HASP error 27 ('Terminal services (remote terminal) detected.') occured during communication with the Sentinel HASP Developer Key
The HASP Developer Key (firmware 3.25) is attached to the Linux (RHEL 7.2 x64) machine via USB (locally), and seems available when inspected through the LM web page on port 1947. There is a HASP Admin Mode HASP SL key installed as well (but the error persists independent on whether or not the feature used for protection is or is not available in the HASP SL key).
This is happening when connected via ssh (putty) or when this gets run via a Jenkins CCI ssh agent job from the main build computer.
Historically we've had issues running HASP Master Wizard on a Windows computer related to Remote Desktop (it would only run when working directly at the server console) but with 7.10 it seems to work fine. But the Linux Envelope won't run. Windows Envelope runs fine.