I am using Sentinel HASP for years to protect my applications. It's an excellent solution, but I came across a problem with an obfuscation.
I use attributes in my C# code to specify the protection settings:
EnvelopeMethodProtectionAttributes(CodeObfuscation = false, SymbolObfuscation = EnvelopeSymbolObfuscation.ObfuscateSkip)]
public class MyClass
private string myPrivateVariable;
Symbol obfuscation is turned off but the Envelope utility obfuscates private member variables in classes anyway. I have terrible problems with the serializable classes!
If I don't specify EnvelopeMethodProtectionAttributes in the code and select methods to protect manually in the envelope utility, the obfuscation is done correctly. (Not obfuscated if not checked.)
Selecting methods manually is a really bad way for a large project.
I can't tell you exactly in which Sentinel SDK version this behavior changed but I remember that 1-2 years ago there wasn't such a problem.
Could you help me? How can I prevent the obfuscation when using attributes in C#?