Hi Parth,
Thanks very much for your reply. I have downloaded the new driver. I need to reload the particular piece of software that the Hasp is protecting and its quite a large file to download. Currently i'm in a remote location with poor internet so it may take me a while until i'm in a position to know if all is now working good but will provide feedback once I know.
Do you know if I can purchase a blank Sentinel Hasp Key in the UK please? I travel to remote work locations worldwide (currently in Iraq) and rely on the software the Hasp key is protecting. I'm worried if ever my Hasp key got lost or damaged I would be in a very difficult situation without backup.
If I could obtain a spare Hasp then in the case of lost or damaged original Hasp I could contact the software supplier explaining the situation and most likely they would be able to deactivate the old Hasp and activate the spare so I could continue use of the software.
I am based in the UK and the software supplier is in USA hence why I query if there is a UK supplier I purchase a blank from that may be easiest option?
Many Thanks