I have a client who has been a long-time user of the Sentinel protection
key (the SuperPro AFAIK) for one of his applications (an add-on to
AutoCAD). He has not been maintaining/upgrading his application or his
Sentinel interface for quite a while. I'm pretty sure the last
update was one that I did back in 2009 (I'm just your typical
software developer). He is now faced with updating things in order to be
able to support newer versions of AutoCAD, since AutoDesk has changed
binary compatibility and will require newer versions of Visual Studio.
So, that's the long-winded introduction to set the stage. The
question now is: "Which way should he go?" If it's at
all possible to keep using the SuperPro key, that would be his
preferred route. If all that's necessary is to use a newer SDK
(with new .lib files) and include new drivers for the key, he'd be
really happy, since it won't mean additional cost or hassle to his customers..
If he really has to dump the older key and update to something
newer, he (and I) need to know what product to use and what it will
cost to get there. He has no interest in software protection at this
point, and prefers to keep using a dongle.
Any and all comments/advice invited.